Noticam prototype

ENYS POWER delivers a 630 KVA 15kV - 400 V compact HV/LV substation prototype to NOTICAM S.A

NOTICAM S.A. is a distributor of electrical solutions and technical services for various sectors in Cameroon. This major player on the local market has trusted ENYS POWER since April 2020 to supply them with a compact HV/LV substation for public distribution (POWER LINE).

Objective of the NOTICAM prototype

This order is part of the call for tenders launched by ENEO, the final client. ENEO is the major power company in Cameroon providing services to individuals and companies.

This prototype is currently being tested on the Cameroonian power grid before it is industrialised on a large scale.

The goal is to supply the country’s population and industries with reliable energy while also complying with stringent safety standards.

The offer

The technical offer submitted by ENYS POWER and its historical partners SIEMENS and PEINTA, consisted of a thorough study, quality equipment and a proven ability in the manufacture of high voltage substations.

The product: compact HV/LV substation (POWER LINE)

The integrated equipment for this prototype:

Poste de transformation POWER LINE
Poste de transformation POWER LINE
Poste de transformation POWER LINE 4